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Generic Name : Acyclovir
Indication : Genital herpes Simplex. Mucocutaneous H Simplex, H simplex encephalitis, H Simplex keratitis, Herpes zoster, Chicken pox.

Ophthalmic ointment is useful for the treatment of keratitis caused by Herpes simplex virus.

Infections of skin caused by Herpes simplex virus. This includes initial and recurrent genital herpes and herpes labialis.
Contra Indication : Hypersensitivity, glaucoma, psychiatric diseases, depression.

Contraindicated below the age of two years.

Contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.
Caution : Renal impairment necessitates dose reduction. Maintain adequate hydration.

Do not use skin ointment for ophthalmic purpose.

Not for buccal or vaginal mucous membranes. A care is necessary to avoid accidental introduction into eye. Poor renal functions.
Side Effect : Orally causes headache, nausea, CNS effects, intravenously causes sweating, emesis and fall in BP, dose dependent decrease in GFR reversible neurological manifestations.

Transient mild stinging may occur in eyes.

Local irritation, transient burning.
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