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Generic Name : Amitriptyline
Indication : Depressive illness accompanied by anxiety, agitation, restlessness and disturbances of sleep. Masked depression, dysphoria and depression in alcoholics.
Contra Indication : Ischaemic heart disease. Epilepsy. Narrow angle glaucoma. Cardiovascular insufficiency. Retention of urine, severe liver dysfunction.

Pregnancy, lactation and children below the age of six years.
Caution : Hyperthyroidism, suicidal tendency in seriously depressed patients. Renal hepatic or cardiac disease. May activate latent schizophrenia. Ability to drive or operate heavy machinery may be impaired.
Side Effect : Dry mouth, constipation, epigastric distress, urinary retention, blurred vision, palpitation, sedation and mental confusion, fine tremors, seizure threshold is lowered. Postural hypotension.
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