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Generic Name : Prednicarbate
Indication : Atopic eczema. Allergic contact dermatitis. Lichen simplex. Primary irritant dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis. Psoriasis of face, flexures.
Varicose eczema.
Cystic acne. Alopecia areata. Discoid LE. Hypertrophied scars, keloids. Lichen planus. Nail disorders. Psoriasis of palm, sole, elbow, knee.
A combination of steroid with proper antibiotic cover may also be used for: Impetigo, furunculosis, secondary infected dermatoses, napkin rash, otitis externa, intertriginous eruptions.
Contra Indication : Hypersensitivity.
Rosacea or perioral dermatitis.
Primary infective skin.
Pregnancy and lactation.
Caution : Infants. Secondary dermatological infections.
Side Effect : Thinning of epidermis. Dermal changes - atrophy. Telangiectasia, Striae. Easy bruising, Hypopigmentation. Delayed wound healing. Fungal and bacterial infections.

Systemic adverse effects of topical steroids on prolong use: Adrenal pituitary suppression. Cushings syndrome.
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