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Generic Name : Penicillin G Sodium
Indication : Streptococcal, Pneumococcal and Anaerobic infections. Gonorrhoea. Syphilis, Diphtheria, Tetanus, Gas gangrene, Trench mouth, Rat bite fever. Actinomycosis, Anthrax, Fusospirochetal, Listeria, Pasteurella, Lyme and Erysipolid.

Prophylaxis: Streptococcal infections.

Rheumatic fever.



Surgical procedure in patients with valvular heart disease.
Contra Indication : Hypersensitivity.
Side Effect : Allergic reactions. Rarely bone-marrow depression, granulocytopenia, hepatitis, defect of hemotasis that appears to be due to an impairment of platelet aggregation, pseudomembranous colitis. Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction.
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