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Generic Name : Norethindrone
Indication : II generation progesterone. Have main progesterone activity and less androgenic activity.
As contraceptive.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Dysfunctional uterine bleeding.


Premenstrual syndrome/tension.

Threatened/habitual abortion.

Endometrial carcinoma.


Suppression of postpartum lactation.


Contra Indication : Hypersensitivity.Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding, breast cancer, pregnancy, lactation. Thromboembolic disorders. History of seizures. Markedly impaired liver functions.
Caution : Diabetes. Exclude pregnancy.

Suspicion of thromboembolic disorders.

Side Effect : Breast engorgement, headache, rise in body temperature, edema, esophageal reflux, acne and mood swings may occur.

Irregular bleeding or amenorrhoea.

Long term use of progestin in HRT may increase the risk of breast cancer.

Blood sugar may rise and diabetes may be precipitated by long-term use of potent agents like levonorgestrel.

Given in early pregnancy, progestins can cause masculinization of female foetus and other congenital abnormalities.
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