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Generic Name : Amantadine
Indication : Idiopathic or post-encephalitic, parkinsonis in elderly patients in association with cerebral atherosclerosis. Drug induced extra-pyramidal reactions.

Prophylaxis and treatment of influenza A.
Contra Indication : Hypersensitivity to the drug, epilepsy, severe renal disease, peptic ulceration.
Caution : Renal/hepatic/peptic disorders. Patients with cerebral atherosclerosis, eczema, psychosis.

Earlier the drug is started the better.
Side Effect : Anorexia, arthralgia, dysuria, coma and convulsion, fever, depression, psychosis, urinary retention, blood dyscrasias, hallucinations, blurred vision, ankle oedema, rash, leucopenia, neutropenia.

Insomnia, dizziness, lack of mental concentration, hallucinations, postural hypotension, ankle edema due to local vasoconstriction.
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